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Fishing competition Reports March

Report on fishing competition, bonus fish Plaice Sunday 17th March 2024

This competition was the second of 2024 and the target species was Plaice. Weather was a bit blustery and wet to begin with SW winds of 4-5. It cleared up in the afternoon with some warm sunshine, but still blustery. Six boats went out with 10 people; Dave in Western Lines, Lee with his family Kayley and Harry in Womble; Richard in Puffin; Brian in Jolly Gee ; Paul with Bob in Monty D; Mike and Lez in Kaikoura.

Most boats headed East for the shelter of the island near Barton Bay and Peel Bank. Dave, Lee and Mike headed for Hill Head initially.

Plaice, Dogfish, Smooth hound, and Thornback ray were caught. First place was Dave with two plaice of 34 and 28cm and two dogfish giving 279 points; second was Kayley with two dogfish and a Thornback Ray giving 133 points; Joint third with two dogfish giving 93 points was Harry, Lee, Richard, Brian, Pauk, Bob, Mike and Lez. Lez also caught a smooth hound and Thornback skate, which, unfortunately were both under size.

The next competition will be on Sunday 14th April the target fish being Skate and Ray.

Last updated 15:35 on 23 March 2024

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